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How to photograph the northern lights

The mesmerising colours of the northern lights that flicker across the Arctic sky is a truly unique sight to behold. Watch them from a mountainside or the seashore, through the glass roof of a warm and comfy igloo, or get a front-row seat on the observation deck on board one of the Norwegian Coastal Express Hurtigruten’s ships as it sails under the auroral oval. You did bring your camera, right?

How to take pictures of the northern lights

When the light show brightens up the sky, the moment is definitely worth capturing. Photographer Christian Hoiberg has loads of experience when it comes to photographing aurora’s fleeting beauty.

“Photographing the aurora isn’t that difficult when you have some basic knowledge of your camera. The hardest part is actually to find her, she can be quite the tease,” says Christian.

Here’s his northern lights photography guide for beginners.

1. Get away from artificial light

If you are too close to the city lights, your photos won’t be that good. Find a good spot away from the city centre. Your chances of getting the perfect Instagram pic can increase considerably if you join a local northern lights guide who knows the best lookout spots. In any case, never use flash when taking your pictures.

2. Check the forecast(s)

Remember to check the weather forecast (you want clear skies) and the aurora forecast (so you know when she’ll be dancing). Imagine sitting by a bonfire with a hot cup of coffee, ready to witness the greatest light show on earth – and then it starts to rain. Not your idea of a perfect evening, is it? Again, it might be wise to join a guided northern lights trip – the guides have first-hand knowledge of the local conditions.

For easy access on the go, download the northern lights forecast NorwayLights on your iPhone, Android, or Windows device.

3. Wear warm clothes – You’re in the Arctic!

The winter in Northern Norway is cold. Shaky hands and frozen fingers are no use when you want to get a good picture, so bundle up in several layers of clothing. It doesn’t matter if it makes you look like the Michelin Man’s chubby cousin – aurora will be the star of your photo anyway.

4. Keep your camera steady

Some blurry images may be artistic, but I guess that is not what you want here? Use a tripod, and your photos are less likely to look like they were taken after a few too many craft beers. If you don’t have a tripod, find a big rock, the bonnet of a car, or something else to keep your camera steady. A remote trigger or cable release can also come in handy.

5. Use manual settings if you have them

Yes, automatic settings make life easier, but they are not your friend when taking photos in the dark. Worst case scenario, the auroras won’t be visible in your photo at all!

The right camera settings for photographing northern lights vary with the time and location, and from camera to camera. Nevertheless, manual settings are always best. They allow you to adjust focus, shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. A good piece of advice is to familiarise yourself with your camera’s settings before you travel to increase your chances of getting that perfect aurora shot. Read more about camera settings in the fact box below.

6. If you only have a phone, find the right app

Wondering how to take pictures of the northern lights with a smartphone? The results will not be the same, but don’t worry. You can still get a decent shot if you download an app to help you change the shutter speed on your camera. Does your phone maybe have AI to help you get good images at night?

The best conditions for photographing the northern lights with your phone are a bright moon and an aurora with colours so strong that she almost knocks you off your feet. Find more tips in the fact box above the slideshow.

7. Make aurora part of your image, not the only thing in it

People often aim their camera towards the sky. Aurora is beautiful, so that's understandable. But you need more to create the right feeling in your image.

The picturesque landscape in Northern Norway is the perfect motif! Place a mountain in the background. Add a beach or a bonfire in the foreground. Then last, but not least, leave room for aurora at the top – and wait patiently for her show. The best lens to use when photographing the northern lights is therefore a wide-angle lens. Then – voilà – you have your winning shot!

The best time and place

Nature provides the lights, you have the camera, so now we are only missing the action. The best times and places to witness the magic are north of the Arctic Circle in late autumn and winter, as well as early spring (September to late March).

Check the local’s favourite viewpoints by yourself or join a guided tour before picking a spot.

If you want to see the aurora from the sea, book a trip with Hurtigruten. These iconic cruise ships sail directly beneath the auroral oval and even have a northern lights alarm to make sure you don’t miss the magic – even if you are sound asleep when aurora decides to go dancing!

Capture the polar night light too

In the northernmost part of Norway, the polar night is characteristic of the winter months. The contrast between night and day gets blurred as weeks go by without the sun ever rising above the horizon. Perfect if you’re chasing aurora, as sunlight won’t obscure the northern lights.

But the polar night doesn’t mean you’re stuck without a glimmer of light during the day. Unless you visit the Svalbard islands, that is, where it is pitch black for a few weeks mid-winter. In the northern parts of the mainland, it's just a different kind of light. On clear days, you can see beautiful sunset colours in the south, and a deep blue tint in the north.

During the 'blue hour' at twilight, the landscape is covered in what seems like a thin, blue veil. This can actually last for more than an hour and creates a unique atmosphere. It’s dark, yet not completely. It’s cold, yet the glow of lights from all the houses makes it warm and cosy. Definitely worth capturing with a camera!

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